Sep 25, 2013
Today's program was an ecclectic one. I answered listener questions on a variety of topics. First I addressed the issue of divine monergism in Luther's Bondage of the Will. I then spent the majority of the time discussing the Mosaic Law and in what sense it is still valid for the church today. Finally, I addressed the...
Sep 18, 2013
Having finished the Matt Haney lecture, I answered some email questions on a variety of topics. I discussed the nature of unionism as well as the distinction between mortal and venial sin. I finished with a discussion of perseverance in the faith.
Sep 11, 2013
The final response to Matt Haney's lecture against a Lutheran approach to baptism. This program deals primarily with his misrepresentations of Luther.
Sep 4, 2013
A continued response to Matt Haney's lecture against baptismal regeneration. I delt with John 3, and Haney's attacks on Luther's beliefs and character.