Mar 10, 2015
On today's program, I continued my discussion of theonomy. I addressed several of the criticisms of my previous program, and addressed some of the ongoing conversation related to the debate between JD Hall and Joel McDurmon. I also tried to explain a historic Lutheran two kingdom approach to culture in contradistinction...
Mar 4, 2015
On today's program I discussed theonomy in light of the recent debate between JD Hall and Joel McDurmon on the subject. I gave a brief history of the theonomy movement, explained a Lutheran view of the church and state, and gave a brief critique of the theonomic position, along with thoughts on the debate.
Jul 23, 2013
On today's program I answered two listener questions. The first was about the movement in Reformed theology known as "Theonomy" which promotes the implementation of Old Covenant civil laws in contemporary society. The second was on the Lutheran doctrine of predestination.