Sep 28, 2020
This week's podcast is a conversation with Rev. Matthew Fenn on the relationship between Philip Melanchthon and Martin Luther's theologies.
Sep 21, 2020
On this podcast, we continued the previous discussion of Lutheran-Reformed relations. Here, I identify what I view of the key difference between these two branches of the Reformation.
Sep 14, 2020
This is a historical discussion of Lutheran/Reformed relations, from the Colloquy of Marburg to Samuel S. Schmucker's attempt to merge Lutheran and Reformed ideas in so-called "American Lutheranism."
Sep 9, 2020
In this episode I discuss arguments from authority in Roman Catholicism, and why I do not find them compelling. I show the inconsistent positions taken on a number of issues in Rome.
Sep 3, 2020
This program is a continuation of our discussion of the Augsburg Confession. I covered the subject of new obedience, or sanctification.