Oct 3, 2018
On this program, I played a talk I delivered on the resurrection of Christ. This is the third part in a series of studies on various aspects of Christian apologetics. Future programs will feature the rest of this series.
Sep 10, 2018
On today's podcast, I played a lecture I delivered on the reliability of Scripture. This is the second part of an apologetics class I taught for adults in Watseka, IL during the VBS of Faith and Calvary Lutheran Churches.
Apr 19, 2018
Today's program is an introduction to apologetics as well as a brief overview of apologetic methodologies. I discuss evidentialism, classical apologetics, presuppositionalism, as well as fideism and the importance of defending the Christian faith.
Oct 14, 2017
On today's program, I discussed presuppositional apologetics. I responded to some recent comments from Dr. Scott Oliphant on the subject which were highly critical of the classical method. I examined the method of Lutheran dogmaticians in reaction to these models.