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May 27, 2016

On today's program, I continued our discussion of the Lutheran liturgy. On this episode, we talked about the Gospel reading, Gospel books, processionals, and debates about who should read Scripture in a church service and present children's sermons. 

May 20, 2016

On today's program, Lisa Cooper was a guest host, as she interviewed Jordan about his new book Baptized into Christ: A Guide to the Christian Life

May 10, 2016

On today's program, I discussed the Mormon doctrine of God, and its differences with Christian orthodox Trinitarianism. I talked about monotheism vs. polytheism, exhaltation to Godhood, theosis, Brigham Young's Adam-God theory, and many other important issues. 

May 5, 2016

On today's program, I continued our discussion of the liturgy as we began talking about the Scripture readings. I spent the majority of the program discussing the nature and importance of using a lectionary in worship.