Jan 31, 2019
On today's podcast, I discussed the office of the Papacy. I discussed Matthew 16 and the exegetical foundation for this teaching, and then subsequently looked at the earliest evidence regarding the church of Rome after the New Testament.
Jan 24, 2019
On today's program I discussed the passing of a recent law in NY state which allows for abortions after the period of 24 weeks. This led to a discussion of abortion in general, as well as the reason why we should put aside political differences as Christians in order to fight together against this evil.
Jan 16, 2019
Today's podcast was a listener Q&A. I covered views on ordination, apostolic succession, the use of reason in theology, and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Jan 7, 2019
Jordan Peterson is often asked questions about both God in general and Christianity in particular. For some, he is a kind of pseudo-Christian thinker, and even a theologian of sorts. These notions are, however, thoroughly mistaken. In this podcast, I examine Peterson's statements about God's existence, belief, and the...