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Apr 1, 2017

On today's program, I spoke about problems with the Book of Mormon. I addressed the lack of historical evidence of any of its events, and discussed the fact that the Mormon texts do not speak like ancient documents, but as products of the nineteenth century.

May 10, 2016

On today's program, I discussed the Mormon doctrine of God, and its differences with Christian orthodox Trinitarianism. I talked about monotheism vs. polytheism, exhaltation to Godhood, theosis, Brigham Young's Adam-God theory, and many other important issues. 

Apr 19, 2016

On today's program, I discussed the history and theology of Mormonism. I discussed Mormon apologetics, and the errors in their manner of thinking and argumentation. This should serve as an introduction for those who live in areas that are heavily populated by Mormons and aren't familiar with their beliefs, especially...