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Nov 3, 2017

On this program, I play a lecture from the Rev. Dr. Curtis E Leins who is the presiding pastor of the AALC. This lecture was given at the celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in October of 2017. A video is also going to be available on Youtube along with the other talks at the conference. 

Oct 5, 2016

On this program, I continued responding to Rev. Brian Schwertley on the topic of Baptismal Regeneration.

Sep 20, 2016

On today's program, I continued my response to Rev. Brian Schwertley on the topic of baptismal regeneration. I discussed the relationship between faith and baptism, monergism and baptism, and other important issues.

Aug 30, 2016

On today's program, I responded to a sermon preached by Brian Schwertley on the subject of baptism. I defended the Lutheran view of baptismal regeneration. 

May 20, 2016

On today's program, Lisa Cooper was a guest host, as she interviewed Jordan about his new book Baptized into Christ: A Guide to the Christian Life