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Nov 30, 2018

Today's program is a question and answer podcast about liturgy. I discuss Communion practices such as intinction, the difference between Lutheran and Anglican liturgies, the words of institution, and many other important issues. Check it out!

May 27, 2016

On today's program, I continued our discussion of the Lutheran liturgy. On this episode, we talked about the Gospel reading, Gospel books, processionals, and debates about who should read Scripture in a church service and present children's sermons. 

May 5, 2016

On today's program, I continued our discussion of the liturgy as we began talking about the Scripture readings. I spent the majority of the program discussing the nature and importance of using a lectionary in worship.

Mar 23, 2016

On today's program we continued to look at the church's liturgy. We began with a discussion of purification and priesthood in the Old Testament, and then discussed the introit, Psalm singing, the kyrie, and the various hymns of praised used in Lutheran churches.

Dec 22, 2015

On today's program, I continued my series on Lutheran liturgy. I spent the hour discussing confession and absolution. I looked at the Old Testament liturgical basis for this aspect of worship, differences in how this practice is done, and the place of confession and absolution within the structure of the Divine Service.