Jul 24, 2018
Today's program is the fourth lecture in Dr. Joel Biermann's series of talks given at the 2018 AALC National Convention. The topic is the two kinds of righteousness.
Jul 17, 2018
On today's program, I played a lecture from Joel Biermann's talks at the 2018 AALC National Convention. The subject of this third lecture in the series is on redemption and atonement. There is a lot of great content here. You don't want to miss it!
Jul 10, 2018
This week's podcast contains Joel Biermann's second lecture at the AALC National Convention. This talk is on the Fall of man. If you have not yet listened to the first part, you probably want to go listen to that prior to this. I also have uploaded the video onto YouTube.
Jul 3, 2018
Today's podcast is a lecture from Dr. Joel Biermann on the subject of humanity in creation. This is a talk given at the 2018 National Convention of the AALC in Minneapolis, MN. It will be followed with three further talks to be uploaded in the future. I have also provided a video of this talk on YouTube.