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Sep 23, 2015

On today's program I finished my response to James White's article "A Brief Rebuttal of Baptismal Regeneration." I discussed Acts 2:38 and the meaning of baptism "for the remission of sins," as well as the washing away of sins in Acts 22:16. We continued to demonstrate the false dichotomy presented by White regarding...

Sep 16, 2015

On today's program, I continued my response to James White'a article "A Brief Rebuttal of Baptismal Regeneration." We looked at several Biblical texts about baptism and continued to discuss the false dichotomy of salvation by grace or salvation through baptism.

Sep 11, 2015

On today's program, I responded to a short article by James White titled "A Brief Rebuttal of Baptismal Regeneration." I spent some time looking at the false dichotomy he sets up between salvation by the work of Christ and salvation through baptism. We then briefly examined some of the relevant Biblical texts.

Sep 2, 2015

On today's program I responded to a recent post by Tim Challies in which he argued that Protestants should not wear crucifixes. He did this by citing J.I. Packer's book Knowing God. I demonstrate the flaws in Packer's argument, and talk about the usefulness of crucifixes.