Oct 28, 2020
This podcast is a lecture I gave at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Newtown, CT on the topic: Is the Reformation Relevant Today?
Oct 19, 2020
This program is a continuation of our study of the Augsburg Confession, in which I discuss articles VII and VIII on the marks of the church and its definition.
Oct 16, 2020
This week's podcast was a live Q&A recording in which I answered listener questions sent beforehand, along with some in the live chat. Some topics covered are: Chalcedonian Christology, divine simplicity, and doctrinal development.
Oct 12, 2020
This episode is the audio from the first class in our upcoming Intro to the Christian Life course offered through the Weidner Institute.
Oct 6, 2020
This program is the second part of a series in which I address the practice of praying to the saints. Here, I begin to exposit some of Chemnitz arguments against the practice.