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Nov 1, 2019

Today's podcast is a lecture a delivered at a Reformation Celebration in NY on a topic the local LCMS pastors requested that I speak on: Lutheran Piety. I discuss the meaning of the term "piety," the distinctive aspects of Lutheran spirituality, and many other related questions. 

Jun 25, 2019

This is the second talk from Rev. Dr. Eric Phillips on the subject of the third use of the law. In this talk, he focuses on preaching. 

May 31, 2019

On today's podcast, I played a talk from Rev. Dr. Eric Phillips on the three uses of the law. The talk focuses on the third use and some of the contemporary debates on the subject within Lutheranism. Wherever you stand on these debates, his talk is definitely one worth listening to!

Nov 10, 2017

On this program, I play a lecture I gave at the 2017 AALC Reformation Conference on the subject of Good Works and the Christian Life as taught in the Augsburg Confession Article VI. 

Oct 20, 2017

On today's program, I covered some of the recent controversy surrounding the role of good works in final salvation. I discussed some of the material written by John Piper on the matter, along with other contributors to this debate. I discussed the position of the Formula of Concord on the topic in relation to the...